مطالعه کتاب The World Finally Speaks At Karbala Tribunals
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The World Finally Speaks At Karbala Tribunals


Author(s): Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba

Translator(s): Jerrmein Abu Shahba

Category: Imam al-Husayn and Karbala

Topic Tags: Muharram Ashura Karbala

ISBN: 978-1-4327-7483-7

Translator Co-publisher: Jerrmein Abu Shahba | jerrmein@yahoo.com


Featured Category: Responses to Misconceptions Shia beliefs explained


This text presents the heartbreaking historical facts of the tragedy of Husayn ibn 'Ali (as) for the first time in a courtroom setting and proposes the idea of establishing an international court tribunal to try his killers and the perpetrators of the massacre of Karbala. The author, Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba, presents a mock trial where the evidences in the form of historical documents, statements, and authentic facts are presented to allow for a fair verdict, with the hope that this idea can become a reality one day. Although centuries have passed and the defendants are no longer alive, the human conscience strives to attain justice for the innocent victims of this inhumane tragedy which has no like or similarity in the history of the universe.

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Copyright © 2011 Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba v3.0

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